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Writers: Jeff Orlowski, Davis Coombe

Scores: 34781 Votes

Release date: 2020

movie Info: Set in the dark underbelly of Silicon Valley, The Social Dilemma fuses investigative documentary with enlightening narrative drama. Expert testimony from tech whistle-blowers exposes our disturbing predicament: the services Big Tech provides-search engines, networks, instant information, etc.-are merely the candy that lures us to bite. Once we're hooked and coming back for more, the real commodity they sell is their prowess to influence and manipulate us

runtime: 94 min


❂❋ ❉⇓❉⇓❉⇓


❂❋ ✺★✺★✺★



The social dilemma (2020) watch online free printable. This was utterly heartwarming to watch 😊 these two are really in love with each other you can feel the chemistry through the screen! What a great couple ❤❤❤.

You two look like twin flames. That special light you have is priceless. Its what happened in HK. No deaths from police in HK even after a year of protests, yet there is graffiti, slogans and news everywhere calling them murderers. The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch online free. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free watch. The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch Online free web. This video has made my day. Russell, you & your wife are great together, a fantastic team! Thank you so much for sharing some of your life with us.

The answer is yes, yes it's time to accept that people have become addicted to social media, and it's doing more than that. It's changing people in a way they don't notice. It's like a crack addict who couldn't buy his next hit: he becomes desperate to do anything to obtain the high. In the case of social media, that comes in the form of accepting ridiculous ideologies, tacking as many pronouns to your name as possible, blurting our bullshit from the collective hivemind, and even engaging in criminal activity. All for that one like, that one retweet, and once they get it, they get their dopamine fix for the day. And they don't notice, but they've been trained by social media not to. Not only is social media manipulating people into slowly becoming monsters, it created a hierarchical system where people designating themselves as marginally oppressed have more say and leeway than anyone else. If you're marginalized, then the site protects you and whatever you have to say. But take one foot out of lockstep, and the website shadow bans you, people stalk your tweets and posts, then they get your address, threaten your job or your family or your kids, then they log off and pat themselves in the back for a job well done. And for what? A red little heart and a green swirly thing on a website; social currency. People realize that they can't survive on social media without it and will take increasingly drastic measures to ensure that they accumulate as much as possible while getting as many hits of dopamine as they can. But people today are blind to the reality that all those likes and retweets they've been trying to get means absolutely nothing in the real world. Outside of social media, what do likes and retweets matter? You can't cash them in, they don't help you, they won't save you, and they'll only protect you for so long. It's currency you can't spend, and currency you can spend is useless. People are powerless over social media because, unfortunately, they choose to be. And when they let social media become a priority in their lives, then there's very little going back. Social media, in my opinion, is the heat death of normality and social interaction. It does the very opposite of what it was intended to do: rather than bring people together, it's created a dopamine drug circle where people form cliques and wait patiently in front of their computers for the first person to make them angry, because that makes for a good tweet, and thus a good source of dopamine. And yet despite being in these circles, there's no camaraderie, no friends being made, just people using people to get off on tweets. It's a shark tank where people are constantly on edge, waiting for their moment to strike at something, anything, in order to get that high. Social Media the worse kind of drug on the market now: one that's free, easy to access, can be used by people of any age, and run by corporations. And unless we distance ourselves from it as much as possible, then all social media will do is turn us into addicts.

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Since I delated my Facebook and Instagram my life become Peaceful.

You are my guru Russell. It is my wish to someday experience your loving embrace, regardless of I being a straight male. I very sincerely believe, that your embrace could heal me or at least minimise the pain. You may not realise this, but you are a spiritual lighthouse and a healing herb for many of us ❤️❤️❤️.

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The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch Online free download. This documentary gave me a huge wake up call. I cant believe how much Facebook was messing up my sleep. 3 weeks off it and I feel great. The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch Online free. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free download. What a beautiful woman and couple. This has cheered me up just seeing the two of you together. Currently watching this on youtube to which I was recomended so I guess, yes.

The social dilemma (2020) watch online free shipping. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free full. I've seen this coming for a while now, and it is sad that many prestigious companies throw their weight around, recruiting the top students and minds to make algorithms that maximize profits, transactions, and views at the expense of the average user's emotional health and overall well being. Imagine what some of these students could do if their capabilities were directed towards something less profitable, but more intangible and intrinsically good for humanity. Technology by this point has exceeded our humanity, and we are all paying the price some way or another.

Look, you called me out on the haircut thing! I was like, dang John, your hair is like FIRE! 🔥Looks great. But agree 💯 on EVERYTHING you just said. Even regarding Nancy P. Shes needs to. oh wait. Not the platform. Sorry. 😉. I saw a solo driver in his car with a mask on, and that car was a convertible with the top down. 🤦🏼‍♀️. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free internet tv. Some years ago I was going through a period of watching ancient aliens type stuff, crop circles etc. The ads I was targeted with were for joining the army! Presumably this was so I could defend the Earth against alien invaders? also (social approval to follow) love your work and your spirit Russell, you have helped in my life and for this I thank you. Anyone noticed most of the facemasks that are being restocked in stores are from china and those with graphic designs are from china, what in earth...

The social dilemma (2020) watch online freeline free. It's machine learning applied to humans using machine learning.

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The social dilemma (2020) watch online free encyclopedia. The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch. Have yet to see a documentary like this that perfectly and plainly details the widespread negative effects social media is having on our society. Anyone who is wondering what the eff is happening to us needs to watch this.

The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch Online free online. STEM is overrated. So much of the work left to do in this world is to realize that there is another side that, as hard as it can be for us to believe, see themselves as correct as we see ourselves and us as wrong as we see them. Only with discussion (about those humanities :D) outside of our echo chambers, and across racial, religious, and political spectra can we ever hope to move closer to any real improvement in society. To all y'alls, please try to engage civilly with people whose views you cannot possibly understand (ask them to support their beliefs with evidence, etc. At worst, no one changes their mind. At best, you can come to a consensus. I'm not saying that people are going to change overnight, but everybody, please do your part in the civil discourse necessary to keep our species from warring against itself. Like voting, your individual discussion may not make the entire difference, but it is necessary for the type of change that we need to see here. Thank you so much Jacob for making this video. I'm not sure this is the biggest challenge to us (I think climate change takes that cake lol) but it's definitely right up there along with nuclear warfare (which is still a surprisingly big problem given how many countries have nuclear weapons. Hinduism has a calendar that splits human existence into 4 (cyclical) eras. which, aside from having an interesting parallel to your Adam and Eve story in which humans lose virtue and thus must till the land and work for a living, shows a gradual decline of humans from complete truth and perfection to total ignorance and destruction. It is said that we are in the fourth period now, the period of destruction. I'm not sure I set tons of store by these things, it is a story after all, but I can definitely see how we're in the era of destruction right now. And at some level, I wonder if. that's OK. All civilizations in the world have a rise and fall. All species must have a rise and fall. All things must pass and end, at some point. And nature is a cruel mistress. Just like wildlife went from the vast majority of mammalian biomass millions of years ago to now being about 4% humans and our livestock now account for 96% of Earth's mammalian biomass) so too must humans eventually decrease in biomass. And if that is by way of destruction and loss of life (as is nature's entire food chain) so be it. Not saying we should do nothing and never take action. I will fight this with all I can. but I do think there has to come a point when humans encounter forces greater than we can fight, and if that happens in this century, then it will happen, and that's all there is to it. Edit: By STEM is overrated, I mean that we should pay attention to the humanities equally as much (I'm a CS major, so this is more applicable to me than anyone else haha) the example of climate change: we have all the tech we need to solve it, but companies and governments just don't want to, so we need to invest more in studying the sociology of it and how we can persuade hearts and minds.

The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch Online freedom. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free play. Interesting enough to watch but most people should be aware of what social media do now already so nothing overly revolutionary. It needed more facts/data as opposed to people just talking/giving opinions.
Also find it somewhat ironic that they talk about the algorithms used to manipulate people into using the service more and how bad it is, when this is exactly what Netflix does as well. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free streaming. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free movie. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free trial. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free watch online free. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free movies.

Aye is it me or does Mark Zuckerberg look strange af. I deleted all my social media accounts two months ago and thats helping love myself even more. The only likes I need are the ones I give myself. Yall r blind if ur just now figuring this out💀. The social dilemma (2020) watch online free putlocker. The Social Dilemma (2020) Watch Online.




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